Purpose for Grading
The purpose for grading is to help the teacher recognize what students know and are able to do. This informs teacher decisions about instruction moving forward. Teachers do not give grades. Students earn grades.
This class will utilize both formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments will make up 20% of students’ final grade. These will include but are not limited to reading notes, chapter quizzes, vocabulary quizzes, lit-circle duties, socratic seminars, and peer review/in-process critiques. These are planned assessments to keep track of student progress throughout each unit. These will also inform teacher decisions about the next steps in instruction. Summative assessments will make up 80% of students’ final grade. These will include but are not limited to final assessments, essays, and group presentations. These will be used for students to show what they have learned at the end of each unit.
Formative assessments explained:
Reading Notes - These will be treated as mini papers. The purpose of reading notes is for students to demonstrate an understanding of the reading and practice the Writing category of the Nebraska State Standards. This will also better prepare students for larger papers.
Chapter Quizzes - There will be a short quiz at the beginning of every class period in accordance with the reading from the previous night. These quizzes will relate to Nebraska State Standards in the Reading Prose and Poetry category.
Vocabulary Quizzes - Once per week, students will take a vocabulary quiz based on vocabulary taught in class by direct instruction. These quizzes related to the Nebraska State Standards in the Vocabulary category.
Lit-Circle Duties - During the literature circle unit, students will practice the Speaking and Listening standard as well as working collaboratively. Each group will have between 4-5 students. Students will delegate tasks for in-class discussions and are expected to come to class having completed their specific task. Such tasks include Discussion Leader, Researcher, Vocabulary Expert, Quote Finder, and Analyzer.
Discussion Leader - Your job is to come up with questions that guide discussion and relate to overall theme, plot, story structure, and characterization.
Researcher - Your job is to do background research on the context of this novel and relay the information you found with the group. Then connect this information with the current reading portion.
Analyzer - Your job is to analyze how the author employs the elements of a story to contribute to the overall message.
Vocabulary Expert - Your job is to find and define words within the novel that are new to you or that play a significant role in the story overall.
Quote Finder - Your job is to find quotes within the novel that relate to the overall theme and message the author is trying to convey.
Socratic Seminars - Socratic Seminars will take place every class period during this unit. The purpose of Socratic Seminars is for students to practice the Nebraska State Standard Speaking and Listening.
Peer Reviews/In-Process Critiques - Students will engage with and provide critical feedback regarding their peers’ summative essays. This allows students to learn from one another and practice working collaboratively for the betterment of the learning assessment as a whole.
Summative assessments explained:
Final Assessments - Much like chapter quizzes, final assessments will allow students to practice demonstrating what they know as it relates to the Reading Prose and Poetry standard.
Essays - The purpose of writing essays in this class will be for students to practice analyzing text, coming up with thesis statements, and using textual evidence to back up their claims. All of these relate to the Reading Prose and Poetry standard. In this, students will also practice the Writing standard.
Group Presentations - The purpose of group presentations is for students to practice the Speaking and Listening standard while also learning to work collaboratively with their peers.
Grading Scale
A - 93-100
B - 85-92
C - 77-84
D - 69-76
F - 0-68
Assessment Procedure Statement
My job is to prepare students for assessments through direct classroom instruction, discussion, activities, and homework assignments. In regards to summative assessments, I will scaffold large assignments to give students an adequate amount of time to complete each one. It is also my job to prepare assignments and assessments that accurately reflect the Nebraska State Standards and assess what they are intended to assess. I will keep each assessment free from bias and make changes when necessary. I will also be sure to provide study guides prior to each reading quiz, vocabulary quiz, and final assessment. Before each assessment, I will remind students of the procedures that relate. As soon as I permit students to begin, I will monitor the room and be available to answer any clarification questions that may arise. I will work to grade and return assessments quickly. Students should expect to receive their grade for all assessments within the week it was completed. After students receive their grades, they will have the opportunity to discuss any questions they may have during class.
Students’ Role
The student’s role is to be an active member of their learning. This means they are expected to be in class and on time each day. Students should take notes and ask questions during instruction, participate in classroom discussions, engage in the activities, and comple the assignments. Students are expected to approach each assessment with a positive mindset and put forth their very best effort.
Late Work/Make-Up Work
For each day an assignment is late, there will be a 10% grade deduction. Students who are absent due to illness or other unexpected circumstances will have two days to make up any missed assignment. Following those two days, students will receive a 10% deduction for each day it is late. If a student is absent due to a prior arrangement, they will be expected to complete the assignment when it is due.
Plagiarism or cheating will result in an automatic 0. If a student is not prepared for an assessment, they will have the option to push it back. With each day a student waits to take the assessment, however, they will receive a 10% deduction. Similar to the late work policy, students will have two days to complete the assessment following the original assessment date. It is better to receive a lower score for a late assessment than a 0 for an assessment in which a student cheated or plagiarized. If a student chooses to wait to take an assessment, I will have an alternative assignment for them on assessment day so they have the opportunity to practice explaining what they do know. I will also ask the student to stay after school to have a conversation with me regarding the reason for their decision. I understand that there are often circumstances out of a student’s control that may prevent them from being able to study, whether it be stress from other classes, an obstacle at home, challenging peer relationships, etc. This conversation is for me to know how to better support the student in the classroom.
Retake Policy
I do not permit retakes, however, I will allow corrections to increase a student’s grade by up to 20%. Students are responsible for arranging a time to come in and make corrections. All corrections must be completed on a separate piece of paper, and students may not use outside sources. All of the information presented on the assessments will have come from direct instruction or the reading.
I will provide feedback on all graded assignments and assessments. This feedback is useful for building on what students already know well and for helping them to increase their knowledge in areas they are not as familiar with. This feedback will not be a matter of opinion; instead, it will be backed up by factual information so that students can make tangible improvements in the future. I will always write what students did well and include areas they may want to consider for improvement. Students should approach all feedback as an opportunity to add to their learning.
Role of Parents
As parents and/or guardians, your job is to encourage your student to engage in classroom learning outside of the classroom. This means asking them about what they are reading, discussing, and writing about in class. Have your student teach you what they know, as teaching is one of the best ways to demonstrate advanced learning. Provide your student with a quiet place to work, and be an active participant in their learning. Encourage your student to work hard, but also provide space for frequent breaks.
Reporting on Student Progress
Each week, students will be able to view their updated cumulative grade in Canvas. They will also see a breakdown of their grade, which includes both formative and summative assessments they have completed during and outside of class. Parents will receive a monthly report by mail that includes a breakdown of the grades students received on both formative and summative assessments. Parents wanting to discuss grades may review the teacher availability section below.
Teacher Availability
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at teacher.email.com. I check my email every morning before class and when school is out at 3:30. I do not respond to emails after 8 p.m. I am also available in person Monday-Friday before and after school if you would like to arrange a meeting by phone or in person. The times are as follows: 7:15 a.m. - 8:05 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. My classroom phone number is 123-456-7890.